(κατα κεφαλή πραγματικό ΑΕΠ, με στοιχεια του ΔΝΤ)
Argentina suffered terribly from 1998 through 2001, as it tried to be orthodox and do the right thing. After it defaulted at the end of 2001, it went through a brief severe downturn, but soon began a rapid recovery that continued for a long time. Surely the Argentine example suggests that default is a great idea; the case against Greek default must be that this country is different (which, to be fair, is arguable).
I was really struck by the person who said that Argentina is no longer considered a serious country; shouldn’t that be a Serious country? And in Argentina, as elsewhere, being Serious was a disaster.
Υ.Γ. Τα ίδια λέει και ο Alan Cibils, μερικές αναρτήσεις πιο κάτω.
Υ.Γ. Τα ίδια λέει και ο Alan Cibils, μερικές αναρτήσεις πιο κάτω.