Σάββατο 12 Νοεμβρίου 2011

Is the EU 'undemocratic'?

Πηγή: BBC

As Greece and Italy prepare to swear in new, unelected, prime ministers, has the eurozone democratic dream been forgotten?
"There is a strong indication that the ball game has changed" in European politics, eurosceptic Conservative MP Bill Cash told John Humphrys, with Germany starting to flex its political muscles.
There had been a "conglomeration of power" in the leading eurozone countries, he said, with "probably illegal" summits deciding the fate of the whole region.
"This is an undemocratic system... this is a failed project," he said.
But Roland Rudd, chairman of Business for New Europe, said that the eurozone crisis was "a failure of policy not democracy".
"There's no plot hatched in Berlin or Brussels," he argued. The people of Europe did not want to see their economies collapse, and the leaders "are not going to allow this to happen".
"The will of the people is being implemented now in Greece and Italy," he said.

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