Πηγή: Stratfor
By George Friedman
* Αφιερωμένο εξαιρετικά στον ταλαντούχο κ. Γεωργίου, επικεφαλής της ΕΛΣΤΑΤ, και στο πώς το ΑΕΠ προσαρμοζεται ανάλογα με τη δημοτικοτητα της αντιπολίτευσης...
An important disconnect over the discussion of the future of the European Union exists, one that divides into three parts. First, there is the question of whether the various plans put forward in Europe plausibly could result in success given the premises they are based on. Second, there is the question of whether the premises are realistic. And third, assuming they are realistic and the plans are in fact implemented, there is the question of whether they can save the European Union as it currently exists.
The plans all are financial solutions to a particular set of financial problems. But regardless of whether they are realistic in addressing the financial problem, the question of whether the financial issue really addresses the fundamental dilemma of Europe — which is political and geopolitical — remains.